Released 13/07/2018

Productivity Suite v1.1.5

Early summer updates

Release details

Major features

CC: theoretically "allocate" credits and payments on account to the oldest outstanding invoices and don't chase them (or chase a smaller amount)
  • If customers have unallocated credits or payments on their account, then before deciding which outstanding invoices to chase the program will "allocate" (in theory only; no Sage allocation is done) and then only chase invoices which would still be outstanding after applying those. This may result in chasing a smaller amount of an outstanding invoice.
POC: allow splitting of order lines by value and quantity
  • Service items may have a quantity ordered of 1 but a large value which needs to be delivered and invoiced in stages. To split a single line up into two parts (which can be done as many times as needed) the user needs an option on the line item screen to split a line up. The description line can be edited at the same time to indicate that it's item [1], [2], etc. and the value can be edited such that the new total is equal to the old line item total. Likewise the quantities can be edited but the total value will always remain constant.

Minor features

POC: add right-click delete option to the line item summary table
  • At the moment, line items in the data grid view can be deleted by selecting the line item and pressing the delete key. To make this more intuitive to users who prefer to use the mouse, add a context menu to the data grid view with a delete option to be shown on right-click.
CC: link CC contacts to Sage contacts
  • Add a link between CC contacts and Sage customer email 1/2/3 so that changes get brought across if Sage data changes.
POC: add option to use Sage PO number in PDF filename and covering email
  • The email and PO sent out from POC with a PDF attachment uses the POC request id; add an option to use the Sage PO number instead.
POC: add option to make supplier address uneditable
  • The delivery address can be made uneditable already (so it can only be changed by selecting a fixed delivery address defined in Sage Accounts), and the supplier address can be locked down in the same way (so it can only be changed by selecting a supplier from the dropdown, whose address is defined in Sage Accounts). This option will be in POC system settings.
CC: add departmental view of customers to dashboard
  • Add a dropdown to the customer dashboard to select a department to only show customers from that department. Also have a default option of "all departments".
Transaction Importer: set the reference of purchase payment transactions to (BACS) for suppliers set up for e-banking
  • When matching purchase payments to purchase invoices, the reference should be used as usual, but after matching the reference on the PP transaction should be changed to "(BACS)" to show that it's a transaction to be dealt with through e-banking rather than payment by any other method.
POC: add option to use net amount when considering authorisation limits
  • Currently, authorisation limits work on gross amounts, but an option is needed to allow it to work on net amounts.
Invoice Importer: use customer tax code for carriage tax code if not specified
  • The carriage tax code currently defaults to T1, but it should default to the customer's tax code if not specified.
POC: add authoriser and authorisation date replacements to PDF template
  • The PO template needs to include text to show who authorised a PO and when, so the following could be put in the template: Authorised by [APPROVER] on [APPROVAL_DATE] If date and time is required, use the replacement [APPROVAL_DATETIME]
POC: create GRNs when receiving deliveries
  • Deliveries have been done solely within POC up until now, but this version also creates GRNs in Sage.
POC: allow for inclusion of supplier part code and due date in order line table
  • The order line table now includes a version which includes supplier part code and due date. This version of the table also includes a footer with carriage and the overall total. It can be access using the following replacements in the PDF template: [ORDERLINES_V4] [ORDERLINES_V4_WITH_VAT] [ORDERLINES_V4_WITH_VAT_AND_GROSS]
Add goods received report
  • Add a goods received report to the POC reports tab.

Bug fixes

POC: Sage order number is always zero when sending out emails to suppliers automatically
  • When a PO is approved, it is created asynchronously in case Sage is locked up, so the Sage PO number is not available at the point the email is sent off to the supplier, so it shows with an order number of zero. The email needs to be sent after the PO is created rather than approved.
Invoice Importer: allow blank description not compatible with multiple line items on one row
  • A bug has been discovered whereby the "allow blank description" option (to avoid using the product's description on line items) does not work for multiple line items on one import spreadsheet row. This has been fixed so blank description is allowed on line items 2-6 (if supplied).

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