Released 05/08/2020

Productivity Suite v1.1.20

Summer updates

Release details

Major features

POC web: keep project commitment in step with POC
  • The project link in Sage is not compatible with POC, but this development will update project commitment to ensure the commitment level shown on projects does not cause warnings during backup/check data when receiving deliveries and cancelling POs.
Back to Back: cater for ignored and processed sales orders
  • Retain sales order statuses of ignored and processed. Allow the user to mark individual or several selected sales orders as either ignored or processed. This includes new buttons to quickly mark all selected as ignored/processed. If retaining status of sales orders is set, then any sales order for which purchase orders are created will automatically be marked as processed.

Minor features

POC web: request an update of a PO from Hub
  • Request that the latest version of a PO be uploaded from Hub to the webapp, for when a network glitch or similar has caused an upload to fail and a PO appears to be stuck in a pending state on the webapp.
POC web: add new delivery reasons
  • Add "Out of stock" / "Back order" / "Item cancelled" delivery reasons
POC web: user settings ported to webapp from desktop
  • User rights, teams and group policy settings configuration all on the webapp now.
POC web: port team access level to webapp
  • Add "Teams I approve" to options on webapp user rights settings.
Show Sage GRN on delivery details
  • Show Sage GRN on delivery details pop-up, if present.
CC: Add nominal, department and line information fields to order line table
  • Add line item fields nominal, department and line information fields to order line table when producing PDF documents for an invoice to attach to an email.
POC user audit report: add date range
  • The user audit report can have a lot of data, so add a start and end date range to the screen. This defaults to the whole of the current month.
POC web: add delete document button
  • Documents can be attached to POs using the webapp, but if attached in error they can not be removed. A button next to each document has been added for administrators to tidy these mistakes up. An audit line is also added when a user removes a document from a PO.
POC web: allow deletion of teams from webapp
  • Deletion of teams was previously only possible in the desktop version, and this left teams still on the webapp. Now that functionality has been moved to the webapp.

Bug fixes

POC web: do not process non-positive purchase invoices from POC webapp
  • Do not process non-positive purchase invoices from POC webapp, as these should not result in PI transactions being created even though zero value line items are allowed.
POC web: remove special characters from uploaded files' names
  • Sanitize filename and replace any unsafe characters with underscore "_" to disallow upload of filenames containing characters unsafe in URLs.
POC web: replace ampersands in details and ex. ref. in splits received from POC web
  • Previously, ampersands were being encoded by the transmission process from webapp to Hub server, resulting in URL-encoded strings of "&" appearing in text fields in purchase invoices. The solution is to replace these encoded strings with the original ampersands in details and ex. ref. in splits received from POC web.
POC web: round net, VAT and gross totals correctly
  • Round net, VAT and gross totals to two decimal places always (totals with no decimal places were appearing as 10 or 10.5, for example, instead of 10.00 and 10.50).
POC web: apply project and cost code restrictions taken from user rights
  • Project and cost code restrictions set in user rights were not being applied correctly and this hadn't been noticed. This was due to a difference in the way these objects are stored in Sage compared with the other restricted object types. The solution was to apply the correct id for projects and cost codes.
POC: clear "order complete" flag when cancelling deliveries
  • When a PO's deliveries were cancelled in POC, the "order complete" flag was not being cleared correctly. This caused problems when the correct deliveries were put on later.
POC desktop: allow cloning of POs
  • POs created on the webapp have a unique id to help mitigate duplications caused by internet conditions beyond the control of the application. However, this identifier was not reset when cloning POs on the desktop version of POC. This addresses that so that it functions the same as cloning a PO on the webapp.

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