Productivity Suite development roadmap

This page shows you the features of the current version and the future releases we are working towards. This roadmap is subject to change at any time. We keep this screen up-to-date, but for any further information or if you want to see a particular feature in our software, then please contact your account manager.

Current version

Full details
Released 03/04/2024


Spring 2024

Release details

Minor features

Invoice Importer: add payment details fields

Next version

Full details
Not released - target 26/07/2024


Summer 2024

Release details

Major features

Postmark email integration

Minor features

POC: show due date column on deliveries list screen
POC: make due date column on deliveries screen sortable
POC: allow description to be 120 characters if Sage version is 29 or above
POC: add option to not blind copy internal emails
Invoice importer: allow SCs to be allocated to SIs
POC: Remove approve and reject links from PO request emails
Show nominal and department names in POC emails
Planned - target release on 25/10/2024


Autumn 2024

Release details

Sage Platinum Business Partner logo
Exact Platinum Business Partner logo
Act Platinum Business Partner logo
Zoho Authorised Partner logo
Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce logo