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BOM management tools

Want to easily assemble your BOMs? Want to clearly see which products are components in which BOMs? Perhaps you want to automatically calculate the cost of a BOM? Productivity Suite's BOM management tool does all this and more in an easy-to-use and navigate interface.

Browse by BOM

This is the default view and lists all of the BOMs in your company in a list. Clicking a BOM will expand it to show the components and also give you further details in the right hand pane. Double clicking a component will show you it in the "Browse by component" view.

Browse by component

Click on the top right tab to access this view. Click on a component to expand it and show which BOMs it is present in. Double-clicking a BOM here will show you it in the "Browse by BOM" view.

Assembling/disassembling a BOM

Click the BOM that you want to assemble then press the "Assemble/Disassemble BOM" button on the bottom right. You can specify the date you want to appear on the stock transfer transactions, a reference code and the quantity that you wish to assemble/disassemble. Press the appropriate "Assemble" or "Disassemble" button and BOM Manager will do all the Sage stock transfer transactions for you!

Highlight missing components

This button highlights all the components out of stock which are needed to compose the selected BOM.

Check purchase orders

Use this for checking that a BOM hasn’t accidentally made its way onto a purchase order! Clicking the "Check purchase orders" button on the top right will bring up a list of BOMs currently in uncompleted purchase orders.

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